Home » Nigeria » Section 128 Nigerian Electricity Act 2023

Section 128 Nigerian Electricity Act 2023

Section 128 Electricity Act 2023

Section 128 of the Electricity Act 2023 is about Objectives of the Agency. It is under Part XVI (Rural Electrification Agency) of the Act.

The objectives of the Agency are to —
(a) create an enabling channel for entry into markets for rural, unserved and underserved electrification services, and to coordinate corporate bodies wishing to supply such services and facilities:

(b) ensure that rural, unserved and underserved electrification services are provided efficiently, economically and at such performance standards which reasonably meet social, industrial and agricultural needs of rural

(c) promote the development and ensure the implementation of Government’s policies on rural electrification and execution of all such other functions and responsibilities as are given to the Agency under this Act or are
incidental or related to it;

(d) promote electricity access for rural, unserved and underserved populace to have unfettered access to electricity facilities;

(e) promote the development of off-grid electrification to rural, unserved and underserved areas;

(f) provide the framework to support —
(i) the development and utilisation of renewable energy sources and an enabling environment to attract investment in rural,
(ii) the promotion for the productive use of renewable energy,

(iii) diversification of supplies to safeguard energy sources,
(iv) improved access to electricity through the use of various rural electrification and renewable energy technology sources,
(v) public education for rural electrification and renewable energy productios and consumption, and
(vi) the deployment of bio-energy technology for rural electrification; and

(g) promote, develop and implement any special electrification intervention programmes and projects, in both rural and peri-urban communities, as may be approved by the Federal Ministry responsible for power in furtherance of government objectives or initiatives by the Federal Government of Nigeria.

See also  Section 136 of the 1999 Constitution of Nigeria (Updated)

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