Section 129 Indian Contract Act 1872
Section 129 of the Indian Contract Act 1872 is about “Continuing guarantee”. It is under CHAPTER VIII of the Act. CHAPTER VIII is titled OF INDEMNITY AND GUARANTEE.
“Continuing guarantee”
A guarantee which extends to a series of transactions, is called a “continuing guarantee”.
(a) A, in consideration that B will employ C in collecting the rent of B’s zamindari, promises B to be responsible, to the amount of 5,000 rupees, for the due collection and payment by C of those rents. This is a continuing guarantee.
(b) A guarantees payment to B, a tea-dealer, to the amount of £ 100, for any tea he may from time to time supply to C. B supplies C with tea to above the value of £ 100, and C pays B for it. Afterwards, B supplies C with tea to the value of £ 200. C fails to pay. The guarantee given by A was a continuing guarantee, and he is accordingly liable to B to the extent of £ 100.
(c) A guarantees payment to B of the price of five sacks of flour to be delivered by B to C and to be paid for in a month. B delivers five sacks to C. C pays for them. Afterwards B delivers four sacks to C, which C does riot pay for. The guarantee given by A was not a continuing guarantee, and accordingly he is not liable for the price of the four sacks.
See also:
Section 128 Indian Contract Act 1872 (Surety’s liability)
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