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Section 141 Nigerian Electricity Act 2023

Section 141 Electricity Act 2023

Section 141 of the Electricity Act 2023 is about Functions of Executive Directors and Directorates of the Agency. It is under Part XVI (Rural Electrification Agency) of the Act.

(1) The Executive Directors of the Agency appointed under this Act shall possess academic and professional qualifications in the fields of power, engineering, law, accounting, corporate communication, project management, public administration in addition to cognate experience and competence relevant to the respective divisions they head as prescribed under section 140 of this Act and shall be appointed on such terms and conditions as may be specified in their appointment letters.

(2) The Executive Director, Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Fund Division shall perform the following fictions in relation to his division and the directorate under his supervision —
(a) oversee the Rural Electrification Fund Management Directorate;
(b) retained head the Rural Electrification Fund Division;

(c) implement the policies of the Agency as they apply to the Rural Electrification Fund;
(d) supervise the work of the Rural Electrification Directorate under him and render reports to the Managing Director or the Board;

(e) coordinate draft expenditure estimates and development plans of the Directorate to ensure compliance with the objective of the Agency; and
(f) perform such other functions as may be assigned by the managing Director of the Agency or the Board towards the realisation of the objectives of the Agency.

(3) The Executive Director, Engineering and Technical Services Division shall perform the following services in relation to his division and the directorate under his supervision —
(a) head the Engineering and Technical Services Division;
(b) oversee the Projects Support Directorate:

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(c) implement the policies of the Agencies as it relates to rural electrification, renewable energy and energy efficiency:
(d) supervise the work of the Project Support Directorate under him and render reports to the managing Director or the Board:

(e) ensure that the expenditure estimates of the Project Support Directorate is in accordance with the objectives of the Agency under this Act; and
(f) perform such other functions as may be assigned to him by the Managing Director of the Agency or the Board towards the realisation of the objectives of the Agency.

(4) The Executive Director, Corporate Services Division shall perform the following functions in relatio: to his Division and the directorates under his direct supervision —
(a) head the Corporate Services Division:

(b) oversee the Planning, Research and. Promotion Directorate to promote rural electrification and create awareness more generally; and
(c) oversee the Finance and Administration Directorate to manage the Agency’s interna! finance and administration.

(5) The REF Management Directorate shall be responsible for —
(a) establishing and administering the REF to provide capital subsidies to qualified rural electrification schemes developed by public or private sector entities;
(b) complying with the policy guidelines and procedures for administering the REF giving regard to the criteria for subsidy award, transparency, and accountability;

(c) coordination of rural electrification projects at local, zonal and federal levels; and
(d) performing any other function that may be approved by the Board as being relevant to the realisation any of the objectives of the Agency.

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(6) The Engineering and Technical Services Directorate shall be responsible for —
(a) providing technical support services for the Agency’s projects including planning, survey and analysis, technical design, evaluations, verifications, production of bill of engineering measurement and evaluation, monitoring and supervision, liaising with other agencies and compliance with standards and specifications in accordance with global best practices;

(b) facilitating technical support from public and private sector partnership aimed at promoting rural electrification projects; and
(c) performing any other function that may be approved by the Board as being relevant to the realisation any of the objectives of the Agency.

(7) The Projects Support Directorate shall be responsible for —
(a) providing technical support to rural electrification schemes in accordance with policy guidelines designed to protect consumers and service providers on the basis of bilateral agreements signed between the Agency and project developers;

(b) monitoring project development and supervise project implementation to ensure compliance with standards and specifications used for projects supported by the REF; and
(c) diligent supervision and monitoring, ensure that projects supported by the REF meets minimum safety standards, quality of materials requirements, appropriate design and proper use of the network equipment, reasonable cost effectiveness and other requirements.

(8) The Planning, Research and Promotion Directorate —
(a) shall be responsible for promoting rural electrification through Nigeria;
(b) shall serve as an information clearing house and promote public awareness; and

(c) shall work with the Ministry responsible for power to collect information on rural electrification, including existing projects, planned projects, renewable energy sources, rural load, equipment and material suppliers, and technological innovations for cost-effective power supply.

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(9) Finance and Administration Directorate shall be responsible for —
(a) internal financial end administrative management of the Agency; and
(b) liaising with zonal offices Directorate in deciding zonal office staff matters.

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