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Section 143 Nigerian Electricity Act 2023

Section 143 Electricity Act 2023

Section 143 of the Electricity Act 2023 is about Purpose of the REF. It is under Part XVI (Rural Electrification Agency) of the Act.

The purpose of the REF established under section 142 of this Act shall be to promote, support and provide sustainable and renewable rural electrification programmes and projects for underserved and unserved communities through public and private sector participation in order to -—-
(a) achieve more equitable regional access to electricity;
(b) maximise the economic, social and environmental benefits of rural electrification subsidies;

(c) promote expansion of the grid and development of off grid electrification; stimulate innovative approaches to rural electrification; provided that no part of the REF shall be used as subsidies for consumption;
(d) stimulate innovative approaches to rural electrification; provided that no part of the REF shall be used as subsidies for consumption;

(e) promote the research and development of new technological advancement in the Nigerian renewable energy space; research into the establishment of technical and utilisation standards of renewable energy for electrification;

(f) research into the establishment of technical and utilisation standards of renewable energy for electrification;
(g) implemen: programmes to adopt international best practices with respect to renewable energy utilisation;
(h) promote the implementation of mini-grid and off-grid renewable energy power systems for remote areas, unserved, underserved communities, and islands;

(i) promote the execution of renewable energy projects for non-electricity purposes; and
(j) develop infrastructure for renewable energy for electrification, renewable energy projects and capacity building for the energy sector.

See also  Section 81 Nigerian Electricity Act 2023

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