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Section 16 Nigerian Civil Aviation Act 2022

Section 16 Civil Aviation Act 2022

Section 16 of the Civil Aviation Act 2022 is about Establishment of Directorates and Inspectorates. It is under Part IV (Management and Staff of the Authority) of the Act.

(1) For the effective conduct of the functions of the Authority, there shall be established for the Authority, Directorates in accordance with the laid down Government guidelines and the International Civil Aviation Organisation Annexes.

(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (1), the Authority shall have power to—
(a) set up units, technical committees, working groups and task forces to assist the Authority in the performance of its duties and functions under this Act ; and
(b) make changes to its structure, including the review or merging of Directorates with the approval of the Board.

(3) There shall be appointed for each of the Directorates, Units, Technical Committees, Working Groups and Task Forces, a principal officer who shall be known by such designation as the Authority may determine.

(4) The Director-General may delegate any assigned powers and duties to any properly qualified private person or organisation, subject to such regulation, supervision and review as may be prescribed, provided that such
function is not delegated in such a way that air operators, aerodrome operators, aerial work operators, allied aviation service providers, general aviation operators and maintenance facility operators, in effect, regulate themselves.

(5) The Director-General may delegate his safety and security oversight powers to designated inspectors and any other staff of the Authority and shall establish the credentials of the safety and aviation security inspectors of the

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(6) For the effective conduct of the functions of the Authority, there shall be established an organisational structure that will ensure a comprehensive and detailed safety oversight of civil aviation, taking into cognizance the size, scope and complexity of aviation activities in Nigeria.

(7) The Authority shall have power to provide, as required in the interest of aviation safety and security, the necessary facilities and tools for the Directorates, Units, Technical Committees, Working Groups and Task Forces.

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