Home » Nigeria » Section 167 Nigerian Electricity Act 2023

Section 167 Nigerian Electricity Act 2023

Section 167 Electricity Act 2023

Section 167 of the Electricity Act 2023 is about Considerations for renewable purchase obligation. It is under Part XVII (Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency) of the Act.

(1) Where the Commission provides for a renewable purchase obligation, it shall take into consideration the following —

(a) technology being used to generate electricity from renewable energy sources;
(b) assurance of the financial integrity of public utilities; and
(c) net effect of the cost of renewable energy on the end user tariff, in specifying the percentage level of electricity.

(2) A bulk customer permitted by the Commission, shall —
(a) purchase a specified percentage of its total purchase of electricity from renewable energy sources; or
(b) pay to the Commission a premium as determined by the Commission.

(3) The premium payable shall constitute 2 source of revenue for the Commission under this Act.

(4) For the purposes of the section —
“premium” means the amount payable by the bulk customer instead of the purchase of electricity required under subsection (2) (a); and
“bulk customer” means a customer that purchases or receives electricity from renewable energy sources in the amount or level specified by the Commission.

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