Section 173 Electricity Act 2023
Section 173 of the Electricity Act 2023 is about Establishment and membership of the Governing Board. It is under Part XVIII (Nigerian Electricity Management Services Agency) of the Act.
(1) There is established for the NEMSA a Governing Board (in this Act referred to as “the Governing Board”).
(2) The Governing Board shall consist of —
(a) a Chairman who shall —
(i) be appointed by the President on the recommendation of the Minister, and
(ii) be a highly respected person of impeccable character and have a minimum of 10 years experience in the NESI;
(b) one person from each of the six geopolitical zones of the Country appointed by the President on the recommendation of the Minister;
(c) the Managing Director and chief executive officer of the NEMSA;
(d) the representative of Federal Ministry responsible for power; and
(e) the representative of Federal Ministry responsible for finance.
(3) The General Manager, Legal of the NEMSA shall be the Secretary of the Governing Board.
(4) In choosing the appointed six members of the Governing Board under subsection (2) (b), the Minister shall consider each proposed member’s character, competence, professional and practical experience in the NESI.
(5) A member of the Governing Board shall not have any share or interest, whether in his own name or otherwise, in any company or other body corporate or an association of persons (whether incorporated or not), or a firm engaged in the business of generation, transmission and distribution and trading of electricity or fuel for the generation, or in the manufacture of electrical equipment.