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Section 177 Nigerian Electricity Act 2023

Section 177 Electricity Act 2023

Section 177 of the Electricity Act 2023 is about Appointment of the Managing Director and chief executive officer and other staff of the NEMSA. It is under Part XVIII (Nigerian Electricity Management Services Agency) of the Act.

(1) There is appointed for the NEMSA by the President on the recommendation of the Minister, a Managing Director and chief executive officer.

(2) The chief executive officer shall be an electrical engineer, registered with Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN) and have not less than 20 years professional and practical experience in the core operational areas of the NEMSA or the NESI.

(3) The chief executive officer shall hold office for a term of four years, and may be eligible for re-appointment for only one further term of four years.

(4) The chief executive officer shall be the head of the management and chief accounting officer of the NEMSA,

(5) The chief executive officer shall be the Chief Electrical Inspector of the Federation with powers to carry out the functions of enforcement of technical standards and regulations, through technical inspection, testing and certification of all categories of electrical equipment, materials and installations, electricity meters, instruments and other related matters in the NEST.

(6) The chief executive officer shall be responsible for the administration of the NEMSA, keep the books and records of the NEMSA and be subject to the supervision and control of the Governing Board.

(7) The Minister shall also appoint three Executive Directors who shall hold the office for a term of four yeay3 and may be eligible for re-appointment for only one further term of four Years.

(8) The Executive Directors shall administer under the direction of the Managing Director the following Directorates —
(a) Technical Services;
(b) Commercial Services; and
(c) Corporate Services.

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(9) The NEMSA may appoint such other officers and employees as it considers necessary for the performance of its functions under this Act and on such terms as to salary remuneration, fee, allowance, pension, leave and gratuity as the NEMSA may determine in consultation with the National Salaries, Incomes and Wages Commission.

(10) The staff of the NEMSA shall be public officers as defined in the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999.

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