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Section 186 Nigerian Electricity Act 2023

Section 186 Electricity Act 2023

Section 186 of the Electricity Act 2023 is about Functions and powers of the Institute. It is under Part XIX (National Power Training Institute of Nigeria) of the Act.

(1) The Institute shall perform the following functions —

(a) serve as a focal point for human resources development and workforce capacity building as well as research centre for matters relating to electric power in Nigeria and possibly Africa in general;

(b) offer engineering. technical and other training or certificate programmes in collaboration with both foreign and local institutes for professionals and practitioners in the power sector and serve as a pupillage centre and finishing school for graduates of engineering:

(c) provide capacity in formulating and implementing pilot projects in relevant fields and ensure maintenance, effective monitoring of technical standards and compliance in the industry and dissemination of new ideas and technologies to the power industry;

(d) provide customer—focused learning and development solutions as well as assist in identifying employees’ competency gaps and training needs;
(e) build and maintain a framework of key skills, knowledge and behaviour for high performing industries and provide manpower development advice to industry participants;

(f) design and install effective maintenance training programmes for engineers, technicians, artisans and craftsmen to ensure that a highly maintained culture is utilised throughout the industry to enhance efficiency;
(g) design and develop professional certificate programmes, management, leadership, regulatory and ICT skills that will ensure proficiency and global recognition:

(h) organise, support, encourage and maintain training facilities in all managerial, financial and technical fields as well as liaise and organise both local and foreign training, tours and seminars in collaboration with local and foreign institutions in respect of the electricity industry;
(i) undertake project consultancies in relation to generation, transmission and distribution companies or related matters;

(j) borrow or raise money for the purpose of the company on such terms and on such security es may de thought fit; and
(k) do all such other things as. may be considered to be incidental or conducive to the attainment >f the above objects or any of them.

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(2) For the performance of its functions under subsection (1), the Institute shall be vested with the powers to —
(a) enter into such contracts as may be necessary or expedient for carrying into effect the provisions of this Act;
(b) insure its property against any loss or ail forms of risks;
(c) establish training centers in such locations as may be approved by the Council;

(d) establish gender unit to track and collate gender mainstreaming indicators in the implementation of its training programs taking into consideration the overall gender mainstreaming framework in the NESI;
(e) receive and manage the Power Training Fund and other funds accruing to the Institute unde: the provisions of this Act;

(f) collate and maintain a database on existing manpower and skill —gap in the NESI based on its trainings and research;
(g) advise the Federal Government and other relevant stakeholders on matters relating to manpower training in the NESE; and
(h) exercise such other powers as are incidental and ancillary to the performance of its functions under this Act.

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