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Section 2 Nigerian Land Use Act

Section 2 Land Use Act

Section 2 of the Nigerian Land Use Act is about Control and management of land advisory bodies. It is under Part I (General) of the Act.

(1) As from the commencement of this Act –
(a) all land in urban areas shall be under the control and management of the Governor of each State. And
(b) all other land shall, subject to this Act, be under the control and management of the Local Government, within the area of jurisdiction of which the land is situated.

(2) There shall be established in each State a body to be known as “the Land Use and Allocation Committee” which shall have responsibility for:-
(a) advising the Governor on any matter connected with the management of land to which paragraph (a) of subsection (1) above relates;
(b) Advising the Governor on any matter connected with the resettlement of persons affected by the revocation of rights of occupancy on the ground of overriding public interest under this Act; and
(c) determining disputes as to the amount of compensation payable under this Act for improvements on land.

(3) The Land Use and Allocation Committee shall consist of such number of persons as the Governor may determine and shall include in its membership:-
(a) not less than two persons possessing qualifications approved for appointment to the public service as estate surveyors or land officers ad who have had such qualification for not less than five years; and
(b) a legal practitioner.

(4) The Land Use and Allocation Committee shall be presided over by such one of its members as may be designated by the Governor and, subject to such directions as may be given in the regard by the Governor, shall have power to regulate its proceedings.

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(5) There shall also be established for each Local Government a body to be known as “the Land Allocation Advisory Committee” which shall consist of such persons as may be determined by the Governor acting after consultation with the Local Government and shall have responsibility for advising the Local Government on any matter connected with the management of land to which paragraph (b) of subsection (1) above relates.

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