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Section 229 Nigerian Electricity Act 2023

Section 229 Electricity Act 2023

Section 229 of the Electricity Act 2023 is about Functions of the Council. It is under Part XXI (Miscellaneous and Supplementary Provisions) of the Act.

The specific functions of the Power Council shall be to —

(a) ensure policy harmony in the NES! by considering, adopting, and reviewing the National Integrated Electricity Policy and Strategic Implementation Pian for the approval of the National Economic Council in accordance with the provisions of this Act;

(b) deliberate on challenges experienced by stakeholders within the NESI and agree on acceptable solutions to the challenges:
(c) eliminate any information gap encountered by any agency or other stakeholder performing certain functions that are critical to effective functioning of the Nigerian electricity supply industry;

(d) articulate the strategies for seamless compliance with policy directives within the Nigerien power sector with clarity in terms of the lead ministry, agency or other relevant entity that will spearhead, coordinate and track compliance with such policy measure;

(e) serve as forum for collaboration between Agencies of the Federal and State Governments in the formulation or review of the National Integrated Electricity Policy and Strategic Implementation Plan adopted under sections 3 and 4 of this Act;
(f) articulate uniform and targeted incentives (whether fiscal or otherwise), with an identifiable lead ministry or agency to spearhead such incentives to boost investments in the Nigerian electricity market including investments in the import or local manufacture and assembly of renewable energy and energy efficiency components; and

(g) publish annual performance evaluation reports for the NESI indicating amongst other things key policy targets, achieved targets, challenges experienced by market operators, participants and other stakeholders and measures to address identified challenges.

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