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Section 250 Nigerian Child’s Right Act 2003

Section 250 Child’s Right Act

Section 250 Child’s Right Act 2003 is about Children attendance centres, etc. It is under Part XXII (Approved Institutions and Post‐Release Supervision) of the Act.

(1) A Children Attendance Centre shall be a non‐residential place at which children shall‐
(a) attend, on a daily basis or on such days only as may be prescribed, on the order of the Court which dealt with the case of the child concerned; and

(2) A Children Centre shall be a place for the detention of children who are remanded in or committed to custody for trial or for the making of a disposition order after trial, or awaiting adoption or fostering.

(3) A Children Residential Centre shall be a place in which child offenders may be detained and given regular School education and such other training and instructions as may be conducive to their reformation and re‐socialisation and the removal or reduction, of their tendency to commit anti‐social act and such other acts which violate the criminal law.

(4) A Children Correctional Centre shall be a place in which child offenders may be detained and given such training and instructions as will be conducive to their formation and re‐socialisation, and the removal or reduction, in term, of their tendency to commit anti‐social acts and such other acts which violate the criminal law.

(5) An Emergency Protection Centre shall be a place in which a child taken into police protection or in respect of whom an emergency protection order is made shall be accommodated until the expiration of the order.

(6) A Special Children Correction Centre shall be a place to which children, who are found to be incorrigible or to be exercising bad influence on other inmates detained in a Children Correctional Centre may be detained.

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(7) A Special Mothers Centre shall be a place in which expectant and nursing mothers are held for purposes of remand, re‐socialisation and rehabilitation in the society in an atmosphere devoid of the regime of institutional confinement which may be damaging for the proper development of their children.

(8) The appropriate Minister may, by regulations, prescribe or provide for ‐
(a) the regulation and governance of the approved institutions;
(b) the appointment, powers, duties, conduct and disciplinary control of the officers and other persons employed in approved institutions;
(c) the functions and duties of visitors, visiting committees and voluntary visitors to approved institutions;

(d) the classification, treatment, diet, clothing, maintenance, employment, discharge, discipline, instruction and control of Inmates of approved institution.
(e) the release of inmates on parole;
(f) the establishment of after‐care associations, for the welfare and reformation of children discharged from approved institutions;
(g) the form in which any order shall be made; and
(h) such other matters as are required for the better carrying out of the purposes of this section.

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