Home » Nigeria » Section 269 Nigerian Child’s Right Act 2003

Section 269 Nigerian Child’s Right Act 2003

Section 269 Child’s Right Act

Section 269 Child’s Right Act 2003 is about Functions of the Local Government Committee. It is under Part XXIII (The National, State and Local Government Child Rights Implementation Committees) of the Act.

(1) The functions of the Local Government Committee are to‐
(a) initiate actions that shall ensure the observance and popularisation of the rights and welfare of a child as provided for in
(i) this Act;
(ii) the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child;

(iii) the Organisation of African Unity Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the child;
(iv) the Declaration of the World Summit for Children;
(v) the Dakar Consensus on National Programme of Action; and
(vi) such other international Convention, Charters and Declarations relating to children to which Nigeria is or becomes a signatory;

(b) continuously keep under review, the state of implementation of the rights of a child;
(c) develop and recommend to the Federal Government and to the State and Local Government, through their respective State and Local Government Committees, specific programmes and projects that shall enhance the implementation of the rights of a child;

(d) collect and document information on all matters relating to the rights and welfare of a child;
(e) commission inter‐disciplinary assessments of the problems relating to the rights and welfare of a child in the Local Government Area;
(f) encourage and co‐ordinate the activities of Local Government institutions, organisations and bodies concerned with the right and welfare of a child;

(g) organise meetings; conferences symposia and other enlightenment for a on the rights and welfare of a child;
(h) prepare and submit periodic reports on the state of implementation of the rights of the child for the submission to the State committee; and
(j) perform such other functions relating to the rights of a child as may, form time to time, be assigned to it.

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