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Section 31 Nigerian National Health Act 2014

Section 31 National Health Act

Section 31 National Health Act 2014 is about Establishment, composition and tenure of National Health Research Committee. It is under Part IV (Artional Health Research and Information System) of the Act.

1) There shall be established by the Minister, the National Health Research Committee (in this Act referred to as “the Research Committee”).

(2) The membership of the Research Committee shall consist of not more than 13 members appointed by the Minister on the recommendation of the health research institutions and other related bodies in the Federation.

(3) The membership of the Research Committee established under this section shall reflect the federal character of Nigeria.

(4) There shall be for the committee—
(a) a Chairman who shall be an acknowledged health researcher and be accomplished and renowned in a health discipline.
(b) a secretary who shall be the Director of Health Planning and Research in the Federal Ministry of Health.

(5) The Chairman shall—
(a) hold office for a term of three years in the first instance and may be re-appointed for another term of three years and no more, under such terms and conditions as may be specified in his letter of appointment ; and
(b) vacate his office if he resigns through a letter written under his hand or in case of permanent incapacitation or death.

(6) The Research Committee shall have the responsibility to—
(a) promote health research to be carried out by public and private health authorities ;
(b) ensure that health research agenda and research resources focus on priority health problems ;
(c) develop and advise the Minister on the application and implementation of an integrated national strategy for health research ; and
(d) collate and document information on the research activities of public and private health establishments.

See also  Section 246 of the 1999 Constitution of Nigeria (Updated)

(7) Amember of the Research Committee who is not employed on fulltime basis in the public service shall, in respect of his service as member, be paid such remuneration as may be determined by the Minister.

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