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Section 330-350 of the Nigerian Criminal Code

Arrangement – SECTION Section 1-6 [CHAPTER 1- Interpretation] Section 7-10 [CHAPTER 2 – Parties to Offences ] Section 10A-16 [CHAPTER 3 – Application of Criminal Law]  Section 17-21 [ CHAPTER 4  –  Punishments ] Section 22-36 [CHAPTER  5 Criminal –  Responsibility ] Section 37-49D [CHAPTER  6, CHAPTER 6A  – Treachery  ] Section 50-60 [CHAPTER 7]  Section 61-68 [CHAPTER  8, CHAPTER  9 ] Section 69-88A [CHAPTER  10  – Unlawful  assemblies:  breaches  of  the  peace] Section 89-111 [CHAPTER  11 – Disclosure  of  official  secrets  and  abstracting  document, CHAPTER  12 – Corruption  and  abuse  of  office ]   Section 112-133 [CHAPTER  13 – Selling  and  Trafficking  in  offices, CHAPTER  14 Offences  relating  to  the  administration  of  justice]  Section 134-145 [CHAPTER  15 – Escapes;  Rescues;  obstructing  officers  of  court] Section 146-160B [CHAPTER  16 – Offences  relating  to  the  Currency] Section 161-175 [CHAPTER  17 – Offences  relating  to  Posts  and  Telecommunications]  Section 176-189 [CHAPTER  17 – Offences  relating  to  Posts  and  Telecommunications] Section 190-203 [CHAPTER  18 – Miscellaneous  offences  against public authority ] Section 204-213 [CHAPTER  19 , CHAPTER  20 ] Section 214-233 [CHAPTER  21 – Offences  against  Morality ] Section 233B-233F [CHAPTER  21A – Obscene  Publications ] Section 234-242 [CHAPTER  22 – Nuisances;  gaming  houses;  lotteries;  misconduct  relating  to  corpses] Section 243-251 [CHAPTER  23 , CHAPTER  24] Section 252-280 [CHAPTER  25 – Assaults  and  violence  to  the  person  generally;  justification  and  excuse]  Section 281-299 [CHAPTER  25 – Assaults  and  violence  to  the  person  generally;  justification  and  excuse ] Section 300-329 [CHAPTER  26, CHAPTER  27]  Section 330-350 [CHAPTER  28 – Offences  endangering  life  or health] Section 351-369 [CHAPTER  29 – 31] Section 370-390 [CHAPTER  32 – 34] Section 391-400 [CHAPTER  35 – Offences  analogous  to  stealing] Section 401-409 [CHAPTER  36 – Stealing  with  violence:  extortion  by  threats ] Section 410-433 [CHAPTER  37 – 39] Section 434-442 [CHAPTER  40 – 41] Section 443-462 [CHAPTER  42 – Offences ] Section 463-479 [CHAPTER  43 – 44] Section 480-489 [CHAPTER  45 – 46 (Personation)] Section 490-507 [CHAPTER  47 – 52] Section 508-521 [CHAPTER  53 – 55]

Section 330-350 of the Nigerian Criminal Code

Section 330 to 350 of the Nigerian Criminal Code Act is under Chapter 28 (Offences endangering life or health) of the Act.

Section 330 of the Nigerian Criminal Code Act

Disabling in order to commit felony or misdemeanour

Any person who, by any means calculated to choke, suffocate or strangle, and with intent to commit or
to facilitate the commission of a felony or misdemeanor, or to facilitate the flight of an offender after
the commission or attempted commission of a felony or misdemeanor, renders or attempts to render
any person incapable of resistance, is guilty of a felony and is liable to imprisonment for life, with or
without caning.
[30 of 1960.]

Section 331 of the Nigerian Criminal Code Act

Stupefying in order to commit felony or misdemeanour

Any person who, with intent to commit or to facilitate the commission of a felony or misdemeanor or to
facilitate the flight of an offender after the commission or attempted commission of a felony or
misdemeanor, administers or attempts to administer any stupefying or overpowering drug or thing to
any person, is guilty of a felony and is liable to imprisonment for life.

Section 332 of the Nigerian Criminal Code Act

Acts intended to cause grievous harm or prevent arrest

See also  Section 281-299 of the Nigerian Criminal Code

Any person who, with intent to maim, disfigure or disable, any person, or to do some grievous harm to
any person, or to resist or prevent the lawful arrest or detention of any person‐
(1) unlawfully wounds or does any grievous harm to any person by any means whatever; or
(2) unlawfully attempts in any manner to strike any person with any kind of projectile or with a
spear, sword, knife, or other dangerous or offensive weapon; or
(3) unlawfully causes any explosive substance to explode; or
(4) sends or delivers any explosive substance or other dangerous or noxious thing to any person;
(5) causes any such substance or thing to be taken or received by any person; or
(6) puts any corrosive fluid or any destructive or explosion substances in any place; or
(7) unlawfully casts or throws any such fluid or substances at or upon any person, or otherwise
applies any such fluid or substances to the person of any person,
is guilty of a felony and is liable to imprisonment for life.

Section 333 of the Nigerian Criminal Code Act

Preventing escape from wreck

Any person who unlawfully‐
(1) prevents or obstructs any person who is on board of, or is escaping from a vessel which is in
distress or wrecked, in his endeavours to save his life; or
(2) obstructs any person in his endeavours to save the life of any person so situated,
is guilty of a felony and is liable to imprisonment for life.

Section 334 of the Nigerian Criminal Code Act

Intentionally endangering safety of person travelling by railway

Any person who, with intent to injure or to endanger the safety of any person travelling by any railway,
whether a particular person or not‐
(1) places anything on the railway; or
(2) deals with the railway, or with anything whatever upon or near the railway, in such a manner
as to affect or endanger the free and safe use of the railway or the safety of any such person; or
(3) shoots or throws anything at, into, or upon, or causes anything to come into contact with,
any person or thing on the railway; or
(4) shows any light or signal, or in any way deals with any existing light or signal, upon or near
the railway; or
(5) by any omission to do any act which it is his duty to do causes the safety of any such person
to be endangered,
is guilty of a felony and is liable to imprisonment for life, with or without caning.
[30 of 1960.]

Section 335 of the Nigerian Criminal Code Act

Grievous harm

Any person who unlawfully does grievous harm to another is guilty of a felony and is liable to
imprisonment for seven years.

Section 336 of the Nigerian Criminal Code Act

Attempting to injure by explosive substances

Any person who unlawfully, and with intent to do any harm to another, puts any explosive substance in
any place whatever, is guilty of a felony and is liable to imprisonment for fourteen years.

Section 337 of the Nigerian Criminal Code Act

Maliciously administering poison with intent to harm

Any person who unlawfully, and with intent to injure or annoy another, causes any poison or other
noxious thing to be administered to, or taken by, any person, and thereby endangers his life, or does
him some grievous harm, is guilty of a felony and is liable to imprisonment for fourteen years.

Section 338 of the Nigerian Criminal Code Act

Wounding and similar acts

Any person who‐
(1) unlawfully wounds another; or
(2) unlawfully, and with intent to injure or annoy any person, causes any poison or other
noxious thing to be administered to, or taken by, any person,
is guilty of a felony and is liable to imprisonment for three years.

Section 339 of the Nigerian Criminal Code Act

Failure to supply necessaries

Any person who, being charged with the duty of providing for another the necessaries of life, without
lawful excuse fails to do so, whereby the life of that other is or is likely to be endangered, or his health is
or is likely to be permanently injured, is guilty of a felony and liable to imprisonment for three years.
The offender cannot be arrested without warrant.

See also  Section 252-280 of the Nigerian Criminal Code

Section 340 of the Nigerian Criminal Code Act

Endangering life or health of apprentices or servants

Any person who, being charged as a master or mistress with the duty of providing necessary food,
clothing, or lodging, for a servant or apprentice under the age of sixteen years, unlawfully fails to
perform that duty, or in any other manner does any harm or causes any harm to be done to such
servant or apprentice, whereby, in either case, the life of such servant or apprentice is or is likely to be
endangered, or his health is likely to be permanently injured, is guilty of a felony and is liable to
imprisonment for three years.
The offender cannot be arrested without warrant.

Section 341 of the Nigerian Criminal Code Act

Abandoning or exposing children

Any person who unlawfully abandons or exposes a child under the age of seven years, in such a manner
that any grievous harm is likely to be caused to it, is guilty of a felony and is liable to imprisonment for
five years.

Section 342 of the Nigerian Criminal Code Act

Setting man‐trap

Any person who sets or places any spring‐gun, man‐trap or other engine calculated to destroy human
life or to inflict grievous harm, or causes any such thing to be set or placed with the intent that it may kill
or inflict grievous harm upon a trespasser or any person coming in contact with it, or sets or places any
such thing in any such place and in any such manner that it is likely to cause any such result, is guilty of a
felony and is liable to imprisonment for three years.
Any person who knowingly permits any such spring‐gun, man‐trap, or other engine, which has been set
or placed by another person in any such place and in any such manner that it is likely to cause any such
result, to continue to be so set or placed in any place which is then in, or afterwards comes into, his
possession or occupation, is deemed to have set and placed the gun, trap, or engine, with the intent
This section of this Code, does not make it unlawful to set any gun or trap such as is usually set for the
purpose of destroying vermin, or to set any spring‐gun, man‐trap, or engine, at night in a dwelling‐house
for the protection of the dwelling‐house.
The offender cannot be arrested without warrant.

Section 343 of the Nigerian Criminal Code Act

Reckless and negligent acts

(1) Any person who in a manner so rash or negligent as to endanger human life or to be likely to
cause harm to any other person‐
(a) drives any vehicle or rides on any public way; or
(b) navigates, or takes part in the navigation or working of, any vessel; or
(c) does any act with fire or any combustible matter, or omits to take precautions against
any probable danger from any fire or any combustible matter in his possession; or
(d) omits to take precautions against any probable danger from any animal in his
possession; or
(e) gives medical or surgical treatment to any person whom he has undertaken to treat; or
(f) dispenses, supplies, sells, administers, or gives away, any medicine, or poisonous or
dangerous matter; or
(g) does any act with respect to, or omits to take proper precautions against any probable
danger from, any machinery of which he is solely or partly in charge; or
(h) does any act with respect to, or omits to take proper precautions against any probable
danger from, any explosive in his possession,
is guilty of a misdemeanor and is liable to imprisonment for one year.
(2) Any person who conveys or causes to be conveyed, for hire, any person by water, in a vessel
in such a state or so loaded as to be unsafe, is guilty of a misdemeanor and is liable to imprisonment for
one year.

Section 344 of the Nigerian Criminal Code Act

Negligent acts causing harm

See also  Section 1-6 Of the Nigerian Criminal Code Act

Any person who unlawfully does any act, or omits to do any act which it is his duty to do, not being an
act or omission specified in section 343 of this Code, by which act or omission harm is caused to any
person, is guilty of a misdemeanor and is liable to imprisonment for six months.

Section 345 of the Nigerian Criminal Code Act

Sending unseaworthy ship to sea

(1) Any person who sends or attempts to send or is party to sending or attempting to send a
Nigerian ship to sea in such an unseaworthy state that the life of any person is likely to be thereby
endangered, is guilty of a misdemeanor, unless he proves either that he used all reasonable means to
insure her being sent to sea in a seaworthy state, or that her going to sea in such an unseaworthy state
was in the circumstances reasonable and justifiable.
[L.N. 112 of 1964.]
(2) The master of a Nigerian ship who knowingly takes the same to sea in such an unseaworthy
state that the life of any person is likely to be thereby endangered, is guilty of a misdemeanor, unless he
proves that her going to sea in such an unseaworthy state was in the circumstances reasonable and
(3) Any person convicted of a misdemeanor under this section of this Code is liable to
imprisonment for two years.
(4) A prosecution shall not be instituted in respect of an offence under this section of this Code
otherwise than by or with the consent of a law officer.

Section 346 of the Nigerian Criminal Code Act

Endangering safety of persons travelling by railway

Any person who, by any unlawful act, or by any omission to do any act which it is his duty to do, causes
the safety of any person travelling by any railway to be endangered, is guilty of a misdemeanor and is
liable to imprisonment for two years.

Section 347 of the Nigerian Criminal Code Act

Endangering steamships by tampering with machinery

Any person who, being a person having actual control over a steam vessel, or over any part of the
machinery of a steam vessel, does any act or makes any omission or is privy to any act or omission with
respect to the machinery of the vessel, whereby to his knowledge, the safety of any person on board the
vessel is or is likely to be endangered, is guilty of a felony and is liable to imprisonment for three years.
The offender cannot be arrested without warrant.

Section 348 of the Nigerian Criminal Code Act

The like by engineers

Any person who is an engineer, or one of the engineers, in charge of the machinery of a steam vessel at
any time when any act is done or omitted to be done by any other person with respect to the machinery
of the vessel, whereby the safety of any person on board the vessel is, or is likely to be endangered, is
guilty of a simple offence and is liable to a fine of two hundred naira.
It is a defence to a charge of the offence defined in this section of this Code to prove that the act or
omission was done or made without the knowledge of the accused person, and without any neglect or
default on his part.

Section 349 of the Nigerian Criminal Code Act

Evading laws as to shipping dangerous goods

Any person who knowingly sends by any vessel, or carries in any vessel, any explosive substance, or any
acid, or other thing of a dangerous or destructive nature, under false description of the substance or
thing or with a false description of the sender thereof, is guilty of a felony and is liable to imprisonment
for three years.
The offender cannot be arrested without warrant.

Section 350 of the Nigerian Criminal Code Act

Landing, etc., explosives Any person who‐

(1) being charged by law with any duty respecting the shipping, unshipping, landing, putting off
shore, conveyance, delivery or storage of any explosive substance, or of any acid, or other thing of a
dangerous or destructive nature, from any vessel, fails to perform that duty; or
(2) being concerned in the shipping, unshipping, landing, putting off shore, conveyance, delivery
or storage of any such substance, acid or thing, violates the provisions of the laws relating to such
shipping, unshipping, landing, putting off shore, conveyance, delivery or storage,
is guilty of a felony and is liable to imprisonment for three years.
This section of this Code does not apply to any explosive, acid or other thing, the property of the State,
while it is under the control of an officer of the armed forces of Nigeria.
The offender cannot be arrested without warrant.

Credit: https://lawsofnigeria.placng.org/laws/C38.pdf

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