Home » Nigeria » Section 38 Nigerian National Health Act 2014

Section 38 Nigerian National Health Act 2014

Section 38 National Health Act

Section 38 National Health Act 2014 is about Duties of private healthcare providers. It is under Part IV (Artional Health Research and Information System) of the Act.

(1) All private health care providers shall—
(a) establish and mainiaii a health information system as part of the national health information system as specified under section 35(1) of this Act ; and
(b) ensure compliance with the provision of sub-section (1)(a) of this section as a ccndition necessary for the grant or renewal of the Certificate of Standards.

(2) Any private health-care provider that neglects or fails to comply with the provision of subsection(1) of this section commits of an offence and is liable on conviction to imprisonment for a term of six months or a fine of N100,090 or both.

(3) Nothing in this section precludes a State Assembly from making laws with regards to health information system for that State and the Local Government Areas and the private health sector within that State.

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