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Section 469-476 Administration of Criminal Justice Act 2015 NG

Section 469-476 of the Administration of Criminal Justice Act 2015

Section 469 to 476 of the Administration of Criminal Justice Act 2015 is under PART 46 of the Act. It is about THE ADMINISTRATION OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE MONITORING COMMITTEE.

Section 469 Administration of Criminal Justice Act 2015

Establishment of the administration

(1) There is hereby established a body to be known as the Administration of Criminal Justice Monitoring Committee (in this Act referred to as “the Committee”).

(2) The Committee shall consist of:
(a) the Chief Judge of the FCT who shall be the Chairman;

(b) Attorney-General of the Federation or his representative who shall not be below the rank of a Director in the Ministry;

(c) a Judge of the Federal High Court;

(d) the Inspector General of Police or his representative who shall not be below the rank of Commissioner of Police;

See also  Section 485 Administration of Criminal Justice Act 2015 NG

(e) the Comptroller-General of the Nigeria Prisons Service or his representative who shall not be below the rank of Comptroller of Prisons;

(f) the Executive Secretary of the National Human Rights Commission or representative not below the rank of Director.

(g) the Chairman of any of the local branches of the Nigeria Bar Association in the FCT to serve for two years only.

(h) the Director-General of the Legal Aid Council of Nigeria or representative not below the rank of Director.

(i) a representative of the Civil Society to be appointed by the Committee to serve for a period of two years only.

(3) A member not being a public officer may resign his appointment by a letter to the Chairman.

(4) Members of the Committee except the ex-officio members shall be paid such allowances similar to allowances as applicable to Federal Boards, Commissions and Agencies.

Section 470 Administration of Criminal Justice Act 2015

Functions of the committee

(1) The Committee shall be charged with the responsibility of ensuring effective and efficient application of this Act by the relevant agencies.

(2) Without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1) of this section, the Committee shall ensure that:
(a) criminal matters are speedily dealt with;

(b) congestion of criminal cases in courts is drastically reduced;

(c) congestion in prisons is reduced to the barest minimum;

(d) persons awaiting trial are, as far as possible, not detained in prison custody;

(e) the relationship between the organs charged with the responsibility for all aspects of the administration of justice is cordial and there exists maximum co-operation amongst the organs in the administration of justice in Nigeria;

(f) collate, analyse and publish information in relation to the administration of criminal justice sector in Nigeria;

(g) submit report quarterly to the Chief Justice of Nigeria to keep the Chief Justice abreast of developments towards improved criminal justice delivery and for necessary action; and

(h) carry out such other activities as are necessary for the effective and efficient administration of criminal justice.

See also  Section 112 Administration of Criminal Justice Act 2015 NG

Section 471 Administration of Criminal Justice Act 2015

Secretariat of the committee

(1) The Committee shall establish and maintain a secretariat with such number of staff as it considers necessary for the efficient running of its affairs.

(2) The Secretariat shall be headed by a Secretary who shall be appointed by the Attorney-General of the Federation on the recommendation of the Committee.

(3) The Secretary shall be a legal practitioner of not less than 10 years post call experience and shall possess sound knowledge of the practical functioning of the criminal justice system and adequate experience in justice system administration.

(4) The Secretary shall be responsible for the execution of the policy of the committee and the day-to-day running of the affairs of the Committee.

(5) The Secretary shall hold office for a term of four years and may, subject to satisfactory performance of his functions, be re-appointed for another term of 4 years and no more.

(6) Subject to this section, the Secretary shall hold office on such terms as to emoluments and otherwise as may be specified in his letter of appointment.

Section 472 Administration of Criminal Justice Act 2015

Fund of the committee

(1) There is established for the Committee a fund into which shall be paid:
(a) budgetary allocation toit through the Office of the Attorney-General of the Federation;

(b) such monies as may, from time to time, be provided the Committee by any public, private or international organisation by way of a grant, support or assistance on such terms as are consistent with its functions; and

(c) such monies as may be received by the Committee in relation to the exercise of its functions under this Act.

(2) The Secretary of the Committee shall be the accounting officer for the purpose of controlling and disbursing monies from the fund established under this section.

See also  Section 143-157 Administration of Criminal Justice Act 2015 NG

Section 473 Administration of Criminal Justice Act 2015

Annual estimates and accounts

(1) The Secretary shall submit to the Attorney-General of the Federation not later than 30th September in each financial year, an estimate of its expenditure and income during the next financial year.

(2) The Committee shall keep proper accounts and records in respect of each financial year and shall cause its accounts to be audited not later than 2 months from the end of each financial year.

Section 474 Administration of Criminal Justice Act 2015

Annual report

The Committee shall prepare and publish an annual report of its activities.

Section 475 Administration of Criminal Justice Act 2015

Power to obtain information

(1) For the purpose of carrying out the functions conferred on the Committee under this Act, it:
(a) shall have a right of access to all the records of any of the organs in the administration of justice sector to which this Act applies; and

(b) may by notice in writing served on any person in charge of any such organs require that person to furnish information on such matters as may be specified in the notice.

(2) A person required to furnish information pursuant to subsection (1) of this section shall comply with the notice within a stipulated time.

Section 476 Administration of Criminal Justice Act 2015

Proceedings and quorum of the committee

(1) The Committee may make standing orders regulating its proceedings.

(2) The quorum at a meeting of the committee shall consist of the Chairman or his representative and two other members of the Committee.

(3) Subject to the provisions of the applicable standing order, the Committee shall meet at least once a quarter.

(4) At a meeting of the Committee, the Chairman or in his absence his representative shall preside at that meeting.

(5) The validity of proceedings of the Committee is not affected by:
(a) a vacancy in the membership of the Committee; or

(b) a defect in the appointment of a member of the Committee.

(6) A member of the Committee who has a personal interest in any arrangement entered into or proposed to be considered by the Committee shall disclose his interest to the Committee and shall not vote on any question relating to the arrangement.

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