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Section 50 Nigerian Land Use Act

Section 50 Land Use Act

Section 50 of the Nigerian Land Use Act is about Validity of laws, etc. It is under Part VIII (Supplemental) of the Act.

(1) notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Act or any other enactment. All laws and subsidiary legislation made at any time between the commencement of this Act and 30th September 1979 by an Administrator (or former Governor) the Executive Council, a Commissioner or any other authority or any public officer of a State shall be deemed to have been validly made and shall have effect as if they have been under or pursuant to the Act and accordingly, shall hereafter continue have effect according to their tenor and intendment as if they were regulations made under or pursuant to section 46 of this Act.

(2) For the purposes of subsection (1) of this section
(a) all contracts and all executive and judicial acts, including acts pertaining to the establishment, membership and functions of any Land Use Allocation Committee or of any other authority or to the appointment of any person, shall be deemed to have been validly entered into or done and shall hereafter continue to have effect as provided in the said subsection; and

(b) any instrument or other evidence relating to the allocation of any land, whether or not expressed to have been made under this Act, shall be deemed to have been validly issued or given under or pursuant to this Act and shall continue to have effect according to its tenor and intendment accordingly.

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