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Section 54 Nigerian Civil Aviation Act 2022

Section 54 Civil Aviation Act 2022

Section 54 of the Civil Aviation Act 2022 is about Bilateral exchange of safety oversight responsibilities. It is under Part VIII (International Obligations) of the Act.

(1) The Authority may under article 83 bis of the Convention on International Civil Aviation and by a bilateral agreement with the Aeronautical Authority of another country exchange with that country all or part of its respective functions and duties with respect to registered aircraft under article 12 (Rules of the Air), article 30 (Aircraft Radio Equipment), article 31 (Certificates of Airworthiness) and article 32 (a) (Licenses of Personnel) of the Convention.

(2) The Authority may relinquish its responsibility with respect to the functions and duties transferred by the Authority as specified in the bilateral agreement under the articles listed in subsection (1) for Nigerian registered aircraft described in subsection (7) (a) transferred abroad and accept responsibility with respect to the functions and duties under the articles for aircraft registered abroad described in subsection (7) (b) that is transferred to Nigeria.

(3) The Authority may predicate in the agreement, the transfer of functions and duties under this subsection on any condition that the Authority deems necessary and prudent, except that the Authority may not transfer responsibilities for Nigerian registered aircraft described in subsection (7) (a) to a State that the Authority determines is not in compliance with its obligations under international law for the safety oversight of civil aviation.

(4) The Authority, pursuant to any agreement entered into under this section, may recognise certificates of airworthiness and personnel licences issued or renewed by the State of the operator.

(5) The Authority shall notify and inform the International Civil Aviation Organisation and other States concerned with the transfer arrangement of the existence of the agreement.

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(6) The Authority shall have the power to exchange with any foreign government, through appropriate agencies of the Government of Nigeria, information pertaining to civil aviation.

(7) In this section “registered aircraft” means—
(a) aircraft registered in Nigeria and operated under an agreement for the lease, charter, or interchange of the aircraft or any similar arrangement by an operator that has its principal place of business or, where it has no such place of business, its permanent residence in another country ; and

(b) aircraft registered in a foreign country and operated under an agreement for the lease, charter, or interchange of the aircraft or any similar arrangement by an operator that has its principal place of business or, where it has no such place of business, its permanent residence in Nigeria.

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