Section 6 Nigeria Data Protection Act 2023
Section 6 of the Nigeria Data Protection Act 2023 is about Powers of the Commission. It is under Part II (Establishment of the Nigeria Data Protection Commission, and Its Governing Council) of the Act.
The Commission shall have powers to —
(a) oversee the implementation of the provisions of this Act ;
(b) prescribe fees payable by data controllers and data processors in accordance with data processing activities ;
(c) issue regulations, rules, directives and guidance under this Act ;
(d) prescribe the manner and frequency of filing, and content of compliance returns by data controllers and data processors of major importance to the Commission ;
(e) call for information from a person, or inspect any documents with respect to any thing done under this Act ;
(f) conduct investigations into any violation of a requirement under this Act or subsidiary legislation made under this Act by a data controller or a data processor ;
(g) impose penalties in respect of any violation of the provisions of this Act or subsidiary legislation made under this Act ;
(h) acquire assets, and sell, let, lease, or dispose of any of its property ; and
(i) perform such other acts as are necessary to give effect to the functions of the Commission.