Section 67 Civil Aviation Act 2022
Section 67 of the Civil Aviation Act 2022 is about Air navigation facility safety standards. It is under Part X (Safety Regulation) of the Act.
The Authority shall have the power to—
(a) regulate the activities of air navigation service providers in accordance with ICAO standards and recommended practices and national laws ;
(b) certify or grant licences in respect of onboard aircraft apparatus, aerodromes and certify airways, navigational approaches and landing aids in Nigeria to ensure safety of air navigation ;
(c) make regulations for minimising or preventing aeronautical radio frequency interference with the use or effectiveness of aeronautical radio apparatus in connection with air navigation, and for prohibiting or regulating
the use of such apparatus and the display of signs and lights liable to endanger aircraft ; and
(d) prescribe and revise safety standards for the operation of air navigation facilities located in Nigeria.