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Section 74 Nigerian Electricity Act 2023

Section 74 Electricity Act 2023

Section 74 of the Electricity Act 2023 is about Amendment of licenses. It is under Part VI (Licensing) of the Act.

(1) Subject to the provisions of this section, the Commission may, at any time, amend a license or any term or condition of a license -—-

(a) if the licensee requests the amendment; or

(b) if the amendment is under a condition of the license imposed under section 72(7) of this Act; or

(c) upon receiving a complaint from any consumer, eligible customer, consumer association, association of eligible customers, or other licensee.

(2) Where a licensee makes an application for the amendment of a license, the licensee shall publish a notice of the proposed amendment to the license in accordance with such directions as may be given by the Commission, stating the period, prescribed by the Commission, within which objections or representations in connection with
the amendments may be made to the Commission, and the Commission shall not amend any license unti: all objections or representations received by the Commission have been considered and determined,

(3) In the case of an application proposing amendments to a license of a licensee who provides services to an area covering a building or place occupied by the Federal Ministry responsible for defense for defense purposes, the Commission shall obtain the consent of the Federal Ministry responsible for defense before making the amendment to the license.

(4) Before making amendments in a license otherwise than on the application of the licensee, the Commission shall direct the applicant to publish the proposed amendments, stating the period within which objections or representations may be made to the Commission, and the Commission shall not amend any such license until all such objections or representations received by the Commission have been considered and determined.

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