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Section 89 Nigerian Electricity Act 2023

Section 89 Electricity Act 2023

Section 89 of the Electricity Act 2023 is about Functions of the N-HYPPADEC. It is under Part VIII (Establishment of the National Hydroelectric Power Producing Areas Development Commission) of the Act.

(1) The N-HYPPADEC shall —

(a) formulate policies and guidelines for the development of hydroelectric power producing areas without prejudice.to the powers of the Minister to issue policy directives and the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission’s power to regulate the electricity supply industry under this Act;

(b) conceive, plan and implement, in accordance with set rules, projects and programmes for the development of hydroelectric power producing areas;

(c) carry out a survey of hydroelectric power producing areas in order to ascertain measures which are necessary to promote its physical development;

(d) prepare schemes designed to promote the physical developments of the hydroelectric power producing areas and estimate the cost of implementing such schemes;

(e) implement all measures approved for development of hydroelectric power producing areas by the Federal Government:

(f) identifying factors inhibiting the development of the hydroelectric power producing areas and assist States in the formulation and implementation of policies to ensure sound and efficient management of the resources of
the hydroelectric power producing areas;

(g) assess and report on any project being funded or carried out in the hydroelectric power producing areas and ensure that funds released for such project are properly utilised;

(h) tackle ecological problems that arise from overloading of dams in the hydroelectric power producing areas and advise Federal and State Governments on the prevention and control of floods and environmental hazards;

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(i) execute such other work and perform such other functions which, in the opinion of the N-HYPPADEC , are required for the development of the hydroelectric power producing areas and their people; and

(h) perform such other functions as the President may direct.

(2) In performing its functions under this section, the N-HYPPADEC shall have regard to the varied and specific contributions of each member State of the N-HYPPADEC.

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