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Section 9 Nigerian Land Use Act

Section 9 Land Use Act

Section 9 of the Nigerian Land Use Act is about Certificate of occupancy. It is under Part II (Principles of Land tenure) of the Act.

(1) It shall be lawful for the Governor–
(a) when granting a statutory right of occupancy to any personal or
(b) when any person is in occupation of land under a customary right of occupancy and applies in the prescribed manner; or
(c) when any person is entitled to a statutory right of occupancy, to issue a certificate under his hand in evidence of such right of occupancy.

(2) Such certificate shall be termed a certificate of occupancy and there shall be paid therefore by the person in whose name it is issued, such fee (if any) as may be prescribed.

(3) If the person in whose name a certificate of occupancy is issued, without lawful excuse, refuses or neglects to accept and pay for the certificate, the Governor may cancel the certificate and recover from such person any expenses incidental thereto, and in the case of a certificate evidencing a statutory right of occupancy to be granted under paragraph (a) of subsection (1) the Governor may revoke the statutory right of occupancy.

(4) The terms and conditions of a certificate of occupancy granted under this Act and which has been accepted by the holder shall be enforceable against the holder and his successors in title, notwithstanding that the acceptance of such terms and condition is not evidenced by the signature of the holder or is evidenced by the signature only of some person purporting to accept on behalf of the corporation.

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