1 Texas Administrative Code § 12.38 – Amended and Supplemental Filings
A party may amend or supplement its pleadings as follows:
(1) If a notice of a hearing or other documents provided to the complainant or respondent under section 571.126(b)(2) of the Government Code contain a material defect, the commission may correct the notice or other document and deliver it to the complainant and respondent as soon as practicable and in the same manner as the original notice. If the respondent does not receive the correction at least 10 days before the date of the hearing, the presiding officer may by order reschedule the hearing. The executive director shall notify the parties and the complainant of the date, time, and place of the hearing as soon as practicable.
(2) As to all other matters, an amendment or supplementation that includes information material to the substance of a hearing, requests for relief, changes to the scope of a hearing, or other matters that unfairly surprise other parties may not be filed later than seven days before the date of the hearing, except by agreement of all parties or by permission of the presiding officer.