1 Texas Administrative Code § 16.1 – Definitions
The following words and terms, when used in this chapter, shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.
(1) Deficiency–An error, omission, inaccuracy, or violation of a law or rule administered and enforced by the commission that is apparent on the face of a statement or report filed with the commission.
(2) Compliance review report–A report sent to a filer detailing deficiencies in a report that is the subject of a facial compliance review.
(3) Facial compliance review–A review conducted under section 571.069 of the Government Code of the information disclosed on a report, randomly selected in accordance with § 16.2 of this title, filed with the commission for facial completeness, accuracy, reliability, and compliance with the law.
(4) Report–A personal financial statement, lobby registration, lobby activities report, or campaign finance report filed with the commission.
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