Home » United States » Texas Administrative Code Title 1 Section 20.3

Texas Administrative Code Title 1 Section 20.3

1 Texas Administrative Code § 20.3 – Reports Filed with the Commission

The Ethics Commission is the appropriate filing authority for reports filed by:

(1) a candidate for one of the following offices:
(A) a statewide office;

(B) a district office filled by voters in more than one county;
(C) a seat in the state legislature;
(D) a seat on the State Board of Education;

(E) an office of a political subdivision other than a county, if the governing body of the political subdivision has not been formed and if the political subdivision includes territory in more than one county; or
(F) a judicial district office filled by voters of only one county, subject to §20.5(b);

(2) a person holding an office listed in paragraph (1) of this section;

(3) the secretary of state;

(4) a specific-purpose committee supporting or opposing a candidate or officeholder required to file with the commission; or

(5) a specific-purpose committee supporting or opposing:
(A) a measure to be submitted to the voters of the entire state; or
(B) a measure that concerns a political subdivision other than a county, if the governing body of the political subdivision has not been formed and if the political subdivision includes territory in more than one county;

(6) a specific-purpose committee created to support or oppose a measure on the issuance of bonds by a school district; or

(7) a general-purpose committee.

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