1 Texas Administrative Code § 20.319 – Notice to Candidate or Officeholder
(a) The campaign treasurer of a specific-purpose committee that accepts political contributions or makes political expenditures for a candidate or officeholder shall notify the affected candidate or officeholder of that fact in accordance with this section.
(b) This section does not apply to a specific-purpose committee that has not appointed a campaign treasurer in accordance with § RSA 20.303(b) of this title (relating to Appointment of Campaign Treasurer).
(c) The notice required by this section shall be in writing and shall include:
(1) the full name of the specific-purpose committee;
(2) the address of the specific-purpose committee;
(3) the full name of the specific-purpose committee’s campaign treasurer;
(4) the address of the specific-purpose committee’s campaign treasurer;
(5) a statement that the committee is a specific-purpose committee; and
(6) a statement that the specific-purpose committee has accepted political contributions or has made political expenditures on behalf of the candidate or officeholder.
(d) The notice required by this section shall be delivered no later than the end of the reporting period in which the reportable activity occurs.