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Texas Administrative Code Title 1 Section 20.329

1 Texas Administrative Code § 20.329 – Modified Reporting

(a) A specific-purpose committee that would otherwise be required to file pre-election reports and a runoff report, if necessary, may choose to file under the modified schedule if the committee does not intend to accept more than the aggregate amount of political contributions or make more than the aggregate amount of political expenditures (excluding filing fees) specified in Tex. Elec. Code §254.182(a), as amended by Figure 1 in 1 TAC § 18.31 in connection with any election in an election cycle.

(b) Under the modified schedule, the campaign treasurer of a specific-purpose committee is not required to file pre-election reports or a runoff report.

(c) To select modified filing, a specific-purpose committee must file a declaration of the committee’s intent not to accept more than the aggregate amount of political contributions or make more than the aggregate amount of political expenditures (excluding filing fees) specified in Tex. Elec. Code §254.182(b), as amended by Figure 1 in 1 TAC § 18.31 in connection with the election. The declaration must include a statement that the committee understands that if either one of those limits is exceeded, the committee’s campaign treasurer will be required to file pre-election reports and, if necessary, a runoff report.

(d) A declaration under subsection (c) of this section is filed with the committee’s campaign treasurer appointment.

(e) To file under the modified schedule, a specific-purpose committee must file the declaration required under subsection (c) of this section no later than the 30th day before the first election to which the declaration applies. A declaration filed under subsection (c) of this section is valid for one election cycle only.

(f) Except as provided by subsection (g) of this section, a specific-purpose committee’s campaign treasurer must file pre-election reports and, if necessary, a runoff report under the schedule set out in § 20.325 of this title (relating to Pre-election Reports) and § 20.327 of this title (relating to Runoff Report) if the committee exceeds either of the aggregate limits in political contributions or political expenditures (excluding filing fees) specified in Tex. Elec. Code §254.183(a), as amended by Figure 1 in 1 TAC § 18.31 limits for modified reporting.

See also  5 U.S. Code § 4117: Administration

(g) If a specific-purpose committee exceeds either of the aggregate limits in political contributions or political expenditures (excluding filing fees) specified in Tex. Elec. Code §254.183(b), as amended by Figure 1 in 1 TAC § 18.31 limits for modified reporting after the 30th day before the election, the committee’s campaign treasurer must file a report not later than 48 hours after exceeding the limit.
(1) The period covered by a 48-hour report shall begin either on the day the committee’s campaign treasurer appointment was filed (if it is the committee’s first report of contributions and expenditures) or on the first day after the period covered by the last report (other than a special pre-election report or special session report) filed under this subchapter, as applicable.

(2) The period covered by a 48-hour report shall continue through the day the committee exceeded one of the limits for modified reporting.

(h) A specific-purpose committee that exceeds either of the aggregate limits in political contributions or political expenditures (excluding filing fees) specified in Tex. Elec. Code §254.183(a), as amended by Figure 1 in 1 TAC § 18.31 for modified reporting after the 30th day before the election and on or before the 10th day before the election must file a report under § 20.325(f) of this title, in addition to any required special pre-election reports.

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