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Texas Administrative Code Title 1 Section 20.333

1 Texas Administrative Code § 20.333 – Special Pre-Election Report by Certain Specific-Purpose Committees

(a) As provided by subsection (b) of this section, certain specific-purpose committees must file reports about certain contributions accepted during the period that begins on the ninth day before an election and ends at noon on the day before an election. Reports under this section are known as “special pre-election” reports.

(b) A campaign treasurer for a specific-purpose committee for supporting or opposing a candidate for an office specified by § 252.005(1), Election Code, that, during the period described in subsection (a) of this section, accepts one or more political contributions from a person that in the aggregate exceed the amount specified in Tex. Elec. Code §254.038(a)(2), as amended by Figure 1 in 1 TAC § 18.31 must file special pre-election reports.

(c) Except as provided in subsection (e) of this section, the campaign treasurer of a specific-purpose committee must file a report so that the report is received by the commission no later than the first business day after the committee accepts a contribution from a person that triggers the requirement to file the special pre-election report.

(d) If, during the reporting period for special pre-election contributions, a committee receives additional contributions from a person whose previous contribution or contributions have triggered the requirement to file a special pre-election report during the period, the campaign treasurer for the committee must file an additional special pre-election report for each such contribution. Except as provided in subsection (e) of this section, each such special pre-election report must be filed so that it is received by the commission no later than the first business day after the committee accepts the contribution.

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(e) The campaign treasurer of a specific-purpose committee must file a special pre-election report for each person whose contribution or contributions made during the period for special pre-election reports exceed the threshold for special pre-election reports.

(f) A campaign treasurer of a specific-purpose committee must also report contributions reported on a special pre-election report on the next semiannual, pre-election, or runoff report filed, as applicable.

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