1 Texas Administrative Code § 20.441 – Contents of Dissolution Report
A dissolution report must contain:
(1) the information listed in § RSA 20.433 of this title (relating to Contents of General-Purpose Committee Sworn Report of Contributions and Expenditures), except as provided by § RSA 20.434 of this title (relating to Alternate Reporting Requirements for Certain General-Purpose Committees); and
(2) the following sworn statement, signed by the general-purpose committee’s campaign treasurer, and properly notarized: “I, the undersigned campaign treasurer, do not expect the occurrence of any further reportable activity by this general-purpose committee for this or any other campaign or election for which reporting under the Election Code is required. I declare that all of the information required to be reported by me has been reported. I understand that designating a report as a dissolution report terminates the appointment of campaign treasurer. I further understand the circumstances in which the general-purpose committee may not make or authorize political expenditures or accept political contributions without having an appointment of campaign treasurer on file.”