1 Texas Administrative Code § 20.529 – Reporting Schedule for Political Party Accepting Corporate or Labor Organization Contributions
A political party that has accepted a contribution from a corporation or labor organization shall file the following reports until the political party is no longer accepting corporate or labor organization contributions and the acceptance and expenditure of all such funds has been reported.
(1) A report shall be filed not earlier than July 1 and not later than July 15, covering the period that begins on either January 1 or the day after the last day included in a primary election report filed under paragraph (3) of this section, as applicable, and ends on June 30.
(2) A report shall be filed not earlier than January 1 and not later than January 15, covering the period that begins on either July 1 or the day after the last day included in a general-election report filed under paragraph (4) of this section, as applicable, and ends on December 31.
(3) A report shall be filed for each primary election held by the political party. The report shall be filed not later than the eighth day before the primary election, covering the period that begins on January 1 and ends on the 10th day before the primary election.
(4) A report shall be filed for the general election for state and county officers. The report shall be filed not later than the 50th day before the general election, covering the period that begins on July 1 and ends on the 61st day before the general election for state and county officers.