1 Texas Administrative Code § 20.595 – Reporting Schedule for a Political Committee Supporting or Opposing Candidate for State Chair of a Political Party
(a) A political committee supporting or opposing a candidate for state chair of a political party is required to file semiannual reports in accordance with this section.
(1) One semiannual report is due no earlier than July 1 and no later than July 15.
(A) The period covered by a report under this paragraph begins on the later of the following dates, as applicable:
(i) January 1;
(ii) the first day after the period covered by the last report required by this subchapter; or
(iii) the day the political committee’s campaign treasurer appointment was filed, if this is the first report filed under this subchapter.
(B) The period covered by the report under this subparagraph ends on June 30.
(2) One semiannual report is due no earlier than January 1 and no later than January 15.
(A) The period covered by a report under this paragraph begins on the later of the following dates, as applicable:
(i) July 1;
(ii) the first day after the period covered by the last report required by this subchapter; or
(iii) the day the political committee’s campaign treasurer appointment was filed, if this is the first report filed under this subchapter.
(B) The period covered by the report under this subparagraph ends on December 31.
(b) A political committee supporting or opposing a candidate for state chair of a political party shall also file the following reports.
(1) A political committee supporting or opposing a candidate for state chair of a political party shall file a report not earlier than the 39th day before the convening of the state convention and not later than the 30th day before the convening of the state convention. The report shall cover the period that begins on either the day the political committee filed a campaign treasurer appointment with the commission or the first day after the period covered by the last report required to be filed, as applicable, and ends on the 40th day before the convening.
(2) A political committee supporting or opposing a candidate for state chair of a political party shall file a report not earlier than the ninth day before the convening of the state convention and not later than the eighth day before the convening of the state convention. The report covers the period that begins on either the date the political committee filed a campaign treasurer appointment with the commission or the first day after the period covered by the last report required to be filed, as applicable, and ends on the 10th day before the convening.
(c) A political committee supporting or opposing a candidate for state chair of a political party may file a dissolution report in accordance with § RSA 20.341 of this title (relating to Dissolution Report) and § RSA 20.343 of this title (relating to Contents of Dissolution Report) at any time that the committee expects no further reportable activity to occur).