Home » United States » Texas Administrative Code Title 1 Section 20.62

Texas Administrative Code Title 1 Section 20.62

1 Texas Administrative Code § 20.62 – Reporting Staff Reimbursement

(a) Political expenditures made out of personal funds by a staff member of an officeholder, a candidate, or a political committee with the intent to seek reimbursement from the officeholder, candidate, or political committee that in the aggregate do not exceed the amount specified by Figure 5 in 1 TAC § 18.31, during the reporting period may be reported as follows IF the reimbursement occurs during the same reporting period that the initial expenditure was made:

(1) the amount of political expenditures that in the aggregate exceed the amount specified in Tex. Elec. Code §254.031(a)(3), as amended by Figure 1 in 1 TAC § 18.31 and that are made during the reporting period, the full names and addresses of the persons to whom the expenditures are made and the dates and purposes of the expenditures; and

(2) included with the total amount or a specific listing of the political expenditures of the amount specified in Tex. Elec. Code §254.031(a)(5), as amended by Figure 1 in 1 TAC § 18.31 or less made during the reporting period.

(b) Except as provided by subsection (a) of this section, a political expenditure made out of personal funds by a staff member of an officeholder, a candidate, or a political committee with the intent to seek reimbursement from the officeholder, candidate, or political committee must be reported as follows:

(1) the aggregate amount of the expenditures made by the staff member as of the last day of the reporting period is reported as a loan to the officeholder, candidate, or political committee;

(2) the expenditure made by the staff member is reported as a political expenditure by the officeholder, candidate, or political committee; and

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(3) the reimbursement to the staff member to repay the loan is reported as a political expenditure by the officeholder, candidate, or political committee.

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