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Texas Administrative Code Title 1 Section 22.1

1 Texas Administrative Code § 22.1 – Certain Campaign Treasurer Appointments Required before Political Activity Begins

(a) An individual must file a campaign treasurer appointment with the proper authority before accepting a campaign contribution or making or authorizing a campaign expenditure.

(1) An officeholder may accept an officeholder contribution and make or authorize an officeholder expenditure without a campaign treasurer appointment on file.

(2) An officeholder who does not have a campaign treasurer appointment on file may not accept a campaign contribution or make or authorize a campaign expenditure.

(b) A political committee may not accept political contributions exceeding the amount specified for making political contributions or making or authorizing political expenditures in Tex. Elec. Code §253.031(b), as amended by Figure 1 in 1 TAC § 18.31 without filing a campaign treasurer appointment with the appropriate filing authority.

(c) Unless the committee’s campaign treasurer appointment was filed not later than the 30th day before the appropriate election day, a political committee may not knowingly make or authorize campaign contributions or campaign expenditures exceeding the amount specified in Tex. Elec. Code §253.031(b), as amended by Figure 1 in 1 TAC § 18.31 to support or oppose a candidate in a primary or general election for the following:
(1) a statewide office;

(2) a seat in the state legislature;

(3) a seat on the State Board of Education;

(4) a multi-county district office; or

(5) a judicial district office filled by voters of only one county.

(d) This section does not apply to the county executive committee of a political party except as provided in Chapter 20, Subchapter I of this title (relating to Rules Applicable to a Political Party’s County Executive Committee).

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