1 Texas Administrative Code § 3.9015 – Review
By accepting certification, a crime stoppers organization agrees to the following conditions of review:
(1) CJD will review the activities of a crime stoppers organization that is certified by the Council as necessary to ensure that the organization’s finances and programs further the crime prevention purposes of the organization in compliance with the laws and rules governing crime stoppers organizations.
(2) CJD may perform a desk review or an on-site review at the organization’s location. In addition, CJD may request that the organization submit relevant information to CJD to support any review.
(3) After a review, the organization shall be notified in writing of any noncompliance identified by CJD in the form of a preliminary report.
(4) The organization shall respond to the preliminary report within a time frame specified by CJD.
(5) The organization’s response shall become part of the final report, which shall be submitted to the organization and the director of the Council.
(6) The director of the Council may create a corrective action plan for a noncompliant organization to assist the organization in coming back into compliance, which must specify the actions to be taken by the organization and the time the organization has to complete them.
(7) Any noncompliance, including an organization’s failure to provide adequate documentation upon request, may serve as grounds for decertification or non-renewal of certification of the organization by the Council.