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Texas Administrative Code Title 1 Section 3.9025

1 Texas Administrative Code § 3.9025

(a) A certified crime stoppers organization may establish Excess Funds Accounts in accordance with § RSA 414.010(d) of the Texas Government Code. At the conclusion of each fiscal year, if the total amount of funds in the organization’s rewards accounts exceeds three times the average annual amount of funds used by the organization to pay rewards during each of the three preceding fiscal years, the organization may deposit such excess amount into its Excess Funds Accounts.

(b) The Excess Funds Accounts may only be used for expenditures for law enforcement or public safety purposes directly related to crime stoppers or juvenile justice, which means:
(1) Costs incurred in providing training to crime stoppers volunteers, staff, or law enforcement coordinators and travel costs necessary to complete that training;

(2) Costs associated with supporting volunteers, staff, or law enforcement coordinators in performing crime stoppers operations;

(3) Juvenile delinquency prevention or intervention programs;

(4) Promotional or marketing costs encouraging utilization of crime stoppers tip lines or recruiting volunteers for crime stoppers organizations; and

(5) Transfers to the crime stoppers assistance account in the general revenue fund or to other certified crime stoppers organizations, provided that the transferring certified crime stoppers organization ensures the receiving certified crime stoppers organization uses such funds for law enforcement or public safety purposes as described in this subsection.

(c) Pursuant to § RSA 414.010(d) of the Texas Government Code, a certified crime stoppers organization that deposits funds in an Excess Funds Account may use any interest earned on the funds in such account to pay costs incurred in administering the organization.

See also  6 U.S. Code § 465: Joint Interagency Task Force

(d) Among other uses, a certified crime stoppers organization is not considered to be using its excess funds for a law enforcement or public safety purpose related to crime stoppers or juvenile justice if:
(1) It uses such excess funds to pay the salary or compensation of any public employee;

(2) It uses such excess funds for law enforcement equipment not directly related to crime stoppers or juvenile delinquency prevention or intervention purposes;

(3) It pays or reimburses for travel or per diem costs that exceed those allowed for state officials or employees with its excess funds; or

(4) It uses such excess funds for a purpose or in a manner prohibited by federal or state law.

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