1 Texas Administrative Code § 34.43 – Compensation and Reimbursement Threshold
(a) A person must register as a lobbyist under chapter 305 of the Texas Government Code if the person receives, or is entitled to receive under an agreement under which the person is retained or employed, more than the amount specified in Tex. Gov’t Code § 305.003(a)(2), as amended by Figure 2 in 1 TAC § 18.31 in a calendar quarter in compensation and reimbursement, not including reimbursement for the person’s own travel, food, lodging, or membership dues, from one or more other persons to communicate directly with a member of the legislative or executive branch to influence legislation or administrative action.
(b) For purposes of Government Code, § 305.003(a)(2), and this chapter, a person is not required to register if the person spends not more than 40 hours for which the person is compensated or reimbursed during a calendar quarter engaging in lobby activity, including preparatory activity as described by § 34.3 of this title (relating to Compensation for Preparation Time).
(c) For purposes of Government Code, § 305.003(a)(2), and this chapter, a person shall make a reasonable allocation of compensation between compensation for lobby activity and compensation for other activities.