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Texas Administrative Code Title 1 Section 34.85

1 Texas Administrative Code § 34.85 – Individual Reporting Expenditure by Entity

(a) An individual registrant may report an expenditure made by a lobby entity if the entity requests that the individual do so in order for the entity to avoid registration; and
(1) the entity makes the expenditure in order for the individual to act on the entity’s behalf to communicate directly with a member of the legislative or executive branch to influence legislation or administrative action; or

(2) the entity compensates or reimburses the individual to act on behalf of the entity or on behalf of the entity’s clients to communicate directly with a member of the legislative or executive branch to influence legislation or administrative action.

(b) The individual registrant shall report the expenditure by the date on which the entity, if registered, would have been required to report it. The individual registrant shall indicate on a lobby activity report that he or she has reported expenditures made by an entity and indicate the specific amount reported on behalf of the entity.

(c) For purposes of Government Code, § RSA 305.0021(b), an expenditure made by an entity under subsection (a) of this section, is not a joint expenditure for purposes of Government Code, § RSA 305.0021(b) if the entity makes the entirety of the expenditure at issue.

(d) In this provision “lobby entity” means a corporation, association, firm, partnership, committee, club, organization, or other group of persons voluntarily acting in concert that meets one of the registration thresholds in Government Code, § RSA 305.003.

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