Home » United States » Texas Administrative Code Title 1 Section 54.100

Texas Administrative Code Title 1 Section 54.100

1 Texas Administrative Code § 54.100 – Human Trafficking Prevention Training for Commercial Lodging Establishments

(a) The operator of a commercial lodging establishment, as defined by Texas Business and Commerce Code Chapter 114, must require each employee who is directly employed by the establishment to complete an annual human trafficking awareness and prevention training program. New employees must complete this training no later than the 90th day after the date the employee was hired.

(b) The Office of the Attorney General must approve all training programs and must publish a list of approved and preapproved training programs on the agency’s Internet website.

(c) All training programs required under this subchapter must:

(1) be at least 20 minutes in duration;

(2) include:
(A) an overview of human trafficking, including a description of:
(i) the experience of human trafficking victims;
(ii) how and why human trafficking takes place in the hospitality industry; and
(iii) how human trafficking is defined;

(B) guidance on how to identify individuals who are most at risk for human trafficking;

(C) information on the difference between labor and sex trafficking as that relates to identification of human trafficking in the hospitality industry;

(D) guidance on the role of an employee in reporting and responding to human trafficking; and

(E) the contact information of appropriate entities for reporting human trafficking, including:
(i) the National Human Trafficking Hotline toll-free telephone number and text line;
(ii) appropriate law enforcement agencies; and
(iii) a telephone number for reporting suspected human trafficking; and

(3) provide a certificate of completion.

(d) Training programs may be online or in person. Online training must include a pacing mechanism that requires the employee to read all course materials, view all videos, complete all coursework, and certify that the employee has completed all coursework before issuing a certificate of completion.

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