1 Texas Administrative Code § 54.6 – Eligible Applicants
(a) An applicant must be an eligible organization. An “eligible organization” means an organization in this state that:
(1) is exempt from federal income taxation under §501(a), Internal Revenue Code of 1986, by being listed as an exempt charitable organization under §501(c)(3) of that code;
(2) provides counseling and material assistance to pregnant women who are considering placing their children for adoption;
(3) does not charge for services provided;
(4) does not provide abortions or abortion-related services or make referrals to abortion providers;
(5) is not affiliated with an organization that provides abortions or abortion-related services or makes referrals to abortion providers; and
(6) does not contract with an organization that provides abortions or abortion-related services or makes referrals to abortion providers.
(b) The OAG may not discriminate against an eligible organization because it is a religious or nonreligious organization.