Home » United States » Texas Administrative Code Title 1 Section 54.80

Texas Administrative Code Title 1 Section 54.80

1 Texas Administrative Code § 54.80 – Required Posting of Human Trafficking Signs by Certain Entities

(a) A person who operates any of the following entities must post at the entity a sign as prescribed by this subchapter or, if applicable, similar signs or notices as prescribed by other state law:
(1) an entity permitted or licensed under Chapter 25, 26, 28, 32, 69, or 71, Alcoholic Beverage Code, other than an entity holding a food and beverage certificate;

(2) a cosmetology facility;

(3) a hospital;

(4) a massage establishment;

(5) a massage school;

(6) a sexually oriented business;

(7) a tattoo studio;

(8) a transportation hub; or

(9) a state park and other recreational site under the Parks and Wildlife Department’s jurisdiction.

(b) A sign required to be posted under Texas Government Code § RSA 402.0351 must at a minimum:
(1) contain information regarding services and assistance to victims of human trafficking;

(2) be in both English and Spanish; and

(3) include:
(A) a toll-free telephone number and Internet website for accessing human trafficking resources;
(B) the contact information for reporting suspicious activity to the Department of Public Safety; and
(C) the key indicators that a person is a victim of human trafficking.

(c) A sign required under this subchapter must be clearly legible and posted in a conspicuous place that is either:
(1) near the public entrance; or

(2) in clear view of the public and employees and near the location similar notices are currently posted.

(d) The Office of the Attorney General, in consultation with the Human Trafficking Prevention Coordinating Council or Human Trafficking Prevention Task Force, must:

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(1) develop best practices and outline any exceptions to posting requirements for each entity required to post human trafficking signs in accordance with this section;

(2) develop signs that comply with the requirements of this subchapter; and

(3) make the signs, best practices, and any exceptions available on the agency’s Internet website to persons required to post a sign in accordance with Texas Government Code § RSA 402.0351 and the public.

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