1 Texas Administrative Code § 55.204 – Coordinator
(a) The coordinator may be contacted at: (512) 460-6046, Office of the Attorney General, Child Support Division, 5500 E. Oltorf, Austin, Texas 78741 (hand delivery); P.O. Box 12017, Mail Code 039-3, Austin, Texas 78711-2017 (Postal Service delivery).
(b) The coordinator’s office will be open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. The coordinator’s office will be closed on those days specified as holidays in Government Code, § RSA 662.003.
(c) Questions to the Office of the Attorney General must be directed to the coordinator.
(d) Documents and pleadings shall be deemed filed only when actually file marked with the official stamp of the Coordinator, Office of the Attorney General.