Home » United States » Texas Administrative Code Title 1 Section 55.207

Texas Administrative Code Title 1 Section 55.207

1 Texas Administrative Code § 55.207 – Pre-Hearing Matters

(a) Not later than 20 days prior to the hearing, each party shall file with the coordinator, and serve on the other parties, a list of witnesses the party will call at the hearing and copies of any supplemental documentary evidence, not previously filed with the coordinator, to be offered into evidence at the hearing.

(b) Objections to documentary evidence must be in writing and filed with the coordinator not later than 10 days prior to the hearing. An administrative law judge, including an administrative law judge of the State Office of Administrative Hearings, may convene a pre-hearing conference on the evidentiary objections to rule on the objections, or shall rule on the objections at the hearing.

(c) Not later than ten days prior to the hearing, the coordinator will compile and transmit to the parties a petitioner’s evidentiary packet and an obligor’s evidentiary packet. The respective packets will contain the list of witnesses and any supplemental documentary evidence submitted pursuant to subsection (a) above to be offered by the respective party.

(d) A party must obtain permission of the administrative law judge to supplement the list of witnesses or documentary evidence if submitted less than 20 days prior to the hearing. Objections to such evidence shall be resolved at the hearing.

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