Home » United States » Texas Administrative Code Title 1 Section 6.39

Texas Administrative Code Title 1 Section 6.39

1 Texas Administrative Code § 6.39 – Meeting Agenda

(a) The agenda shall consist of agenda items proposed by the executive director prior to the meetings for which the agenda is specified. At a reasonable time before filing a copy of the agenda as required by the Open Meetings Law, the executive director shall provide a copy of the proposed agenda to the presiding officer. If the presiding officer is not reasonably available, the executive director shall provide a copy of the proposed agenda to any two commissioners.

(b) The presiding officer, a commission member with the consent of the presiding officer, or any two commissioners may direct the executive director to include an item on the agenda if it complies with the posting requirements specified by law. The presiding officer may direct the executive director to remove an item included on a proposed agenda unless that item is requested by two commission members other than the presiding officer.

(c) A member of the public may ask the executive director to place an item on a proposed agenda. The executive director shall advise the commission of the request and may include the item on a proposed agenda.

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