Home » United States » Texas Administrative Code Title 1 Section 60.100

Texas Administrative Code Title 1 Section 60.100

1 Texas Administrative Code § 60.100 – Application Process

(a) The OAG will publish a RFA in the Texas Register and post the RFA on the OAG’s official agency website.

(b) The RFA, at a minimum, will provide the following information:
(1) applicable funding sources for the types of grants available and eligibility requirements;

(2) how to obtain Application Kits;

(3) deadlines and filing instructions for the grant application;

(4) minimum and maximum amounts of funding available;

(5) start date and length of grant contract period;

(6) any match or volunteer requirements;

(7) award criteria;

(8) any prohibitions on the use of grant funds; and

(9) OAG contact information.

(c) After the RFA is published in the Texas Register, the Application Kit will be available on the official agency website.

(d) An applicant must submit an application to the OAG, as referenced in the RFA.

(e) The application, with the required attachments, must be filed and received by the OAG, by the deadline and manner stated in the RFA.

(f) Once the application is filed, it will be initially screened for eligibility, and if eligible it will be evaluated and reviewed, and a grant decision will be made.

(g) Providing false information, knowingly or unknowingly, on a grant application may cause an application to be denied or cause the grant contract, once awarded, to be terminated.

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