1 Texas Administrative Code § 60.200 – General Budget Provisions
(a) Unless otherwise stated by the Request for Applications and the Application Kit, eligible budget categories are limited to the following categories:
(1) personnel;
(2) fringe benefits;
(3) professional and consultant services;
(4) travel;
(5) equipment;
(6) supplies; and
(7) other direct operating expenses.
(b) All applicants must submit a completed budget on the form prescribed by the OAG.
(c) Grants awarded by the OAG are reimbursement-only grants. Grantees are reimbursed for authorized actual expenditures substantiated by documentation submitted to the OAG, as requested. If necessary, the OAG may use an alternative method of payment.
(d) An individual paid with grant funds may not receive dual compensation for the same work, even if the services performed benefit more than one entity.
(e) All grantees, including but not limited to non-profit entities and local governmental agencies, must follow the rules and requirements as outlined in UGMS and all federal regulations.
(f) For budget items funded partially by the OAG, an entity must have a documented method for the allocation of direct costs consistent with the benefit received and must maintain adequate receipts and records.
(g) All budget items must be reasonable and necessary and be allocated proportionately within each budget category.
(h) The OAG is not obligated to fund budget items at the amounts requested by the applicant and is not obligated to continue to fund budget items once a grant has been awarded.