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Texas Administrative Code Title 1 Section 62.52

1 Texas Administrative Code § 62.52 – Standards for OAG Sexual Assault Training Program Certification

(a) A local program to become certified as an OAG Sexual Assault Training program shall provide at least forty (40) hours of training, including but not limited to the following topics: dynamics of sexual assault, system response, prevention, working with survivors, local program information, forensic medical examinations for the collection of evidence, and the role of an advocate during the sexual assault forensic medical examination.

(b) A local program, at a minimum, shall include provisions for training employees or volunteers of a local program who provide any of the minimum services to address sexual assault.

(c) A local program shall train any advocate or individual who may be present during a forensic medical examination for the collection of evidence for an alleged sexual assault.

(d) A local program may also train other individuals regardless of their relationship or affiliation with the local program.

(e) Additional information regarding the OAG Sexual Assault Training Program certification process requirements and the minimum standards is described on the OAG website.

(f) In developing the minimum standards for an OAG Sexual Assault Training Program, the OAG shall consult with individuals and organizations having knowledge and experience relating to sexual assault.

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