Home » United States » Texas Administrative Code Title 1 Section 65.300

Texas Administrative Code Title 1 Section 65.300

1 Texas Administrative Code § 65.300 – Application for Compensation

(a) All communications and applications for compensation shall be submitted to the LCP in a manner and form prescribed by the OAG.

(b) An application for compensation is complete when the application:

(1) is filled out in its entirety as prescribed by the OAG;

(2) signed by the claimant or authorized agent, as determined by the OAG;

(3) contains all relevant required documentation; and

(4) contains any other information requested by the OAG to determine eligibility.

(c) The OAG will not consider an application until the application is complete as prescribed in §65.300(b).

(d) An application must include:
(1) a written report, including an incident or claim number, by a law enforcement agency that documents the real property damage occurred in connection with a border crime;

(2) photographic evidence of the real property damage;

(3) a detailed description of the real property damage;

(4) any identifying property information needed to determine eligibility; and

(5) insurance declarations or denial of coverage.

(e) The OAG may require the claimant to provide:

(1) Federal Tax Identification Number (EIN);

(2) entity formation information;

(3) the claimant’s social security number;

(4) the claimant’s Individual Taxpayer Number (ITIN);

(5) itemized receipts or invoices of cost for repair(s);

(6) itemized receipts or invoices of cost for labor; or

(7) any other information needed to determine eligibility.

(f) If the claimant submits an application that is not complete, the OAG will notify the claimant in writing, that the application is incomplete and request that the additional information.

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(g) If the claimant does not return the completed application to the OAG within 30 days from the date generated on the OAG’s request for additional information, the application may be closed in accordance with §65.303.

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