Home » United States » Texas Administrative Code Title 1 Section 65.304

Texas Administrative Code Title 1 Section 65.304

1 Texas Administrative Code § 65.304 – Collateral Sources

(a) The LCP is the payer of last resort, and the OAG will not award compensation to a claimant if the OAG determines the claimant is or was eligible for reimbursement from any available collateral source and failed to seek reimbursement from an available collateral source.

(b) The OAG may deny or reduce the compensation if the OAG notifies the claimant of a possible reimbursement amount from any available collateral source, and the claimant fails to apply or pursue the compensation within a reasonable time frame as determined by the OAG. The acceptable time frame will be determined by the OAG upon consideration of all relevant facts and circumstances.

(c) A claimant must seek compensation from any available collateral sources prior to submitting a claim to the OAG, when reasonably possible.

(d) Unless good cause is shown, if a claimant receives compensation from a collateral source, the claimant must report the compensation amount and the source to the OAG before the claimant will be eligible to receive compensation. If a claimant is awarded compensation by a collateral source after the OAG awarded compensation under the LCP, the claimant must notify the OAG of the amount and the source of the collateral source within 10 business days of becoming aware of the compensation from a collateral source.

(e) If the claimant fails to utilize any available collateral source for all or a portion for real property damage, the OAG may deny or reduce an award under the LCP.

(f) Gifts, donations, or charitable contributions made directly to a claimant are not a collateral source and may not reduce the determination of the actual real property damage incurred by the claimant.

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